Rajamangkala University of TechnologySrivijayawas established in response to Rajamangkala University of  Technology Act B.E.2538. This act caused the integration of all campuses of Rajamangala Institutes of  Technology throughout the southern region, namely NakonsrithammaratCampus, Srivijaya Campus and Southern Campus, and combined the institutions into Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya.  

          According tothe announcement of the Ministry of Education in the Government Gazette Vol.123, Section 118 on November 27, B.E.2549, TrangCampus was established. The Ministry of Education maded further announcement, in Vol. 124, Special Section 163 on October 26, B.E. 2550, indicaing that the Administrative Office was established within TrangCamnpus.The university councilsubsequently organized the governmental structure of the campus. Announced on April 24, 2009, four sections were officially partitioned under the Administrative Office of Trang Campus:planning and development, treasury, academicandresearch services, and student affairs.
มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย วิทยาเขตตรัง   179 หมู่ที่ 3 ต.ไม้ฝาด อ.สิเกา จ.ตรัง  92150
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