On July 10, 2024, at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang Campus, in the meeting room of the Research and Development Institute, Building of Celebrating His Majesty’s 80th Birthday Anniversary on December 5, 2007, faculty members from schools in the educational network group, both from within and outside the province, participated in the “Education Pipeline” project for the academic year 2024. The project was organized to promote educational programs for the academic year 2025.
In the morning session, participants enjoyed a campus tour via tram, experiencing the atmosphere of the university and visiting the College of Hotel and Tourism Management. They were welcomed by Asst. Prof. Faphilai Thaveesin, the Director of the College of Hotel and Tourism Management, along with administrators, staff, and students, who presented information about each educational program and provided a tour of the vocational skills training laboratories.
Following this, the group visited the Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, where Asst. Prof. Manoch Khamcharoen, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology, along with administrators and staff, guided them through the academic and practical aspects of farm work to ensure that future students could apply their knowledge effectively and gain expertise.
The tour continued to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, where Asst. Prof. Kittikorn Khanklaew, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, along with administrators and staff, welcomed the participants and showcased the well-equipped learning facilities in various departments.
In the afternoon session, Asst. Prof. Sitthichok Chanyong, the Vice President of Trang Campus, delivered a welcome speech to the project participants. He was joined by administrators from the three faculties, who discussed and introduced the academic programs for the 2025 academic year. This information aimed to provide educational opportunities for students in the network schools to further their studies at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang Campus, and to enhance academic services cooperation with the network schools.